In A Place Called Havern: A Poem

In a place called Havern, where minds embrace,
Neurodiverse kids find their special space.
A tapestry of souls, vibrant and unique,
Their journeys intertwined, the future they seek.

With hearts open wide, they gather each day,
Bound by understanding, lighting up the way.
A symphony of minds, a kaleidoscope of thought,
At Havern School, connections are deeply sought.

From different paths they come, diverse as can be,
Autism, dyslexia, ADHD, each a part of this tapestry.
Together they learn, growing side by side,
Nurtured by teachers, with patience as their guide.

Like flowers in a garden, they blossom and grow,
Supporting each other, a bond they all know.
With strengths intertwined, they form a powerful team,
In this haven of acceptance, they fulfill their dream.

Havern School, where minds unite and soar,
Neurodiverse children, their spirits explore.
With laughter and friendship, barriers fade away,
United they stand, embracing a brighter day.

So let us celebrate their journey, it’s clear,
For at Havern School, they find purpose and cheer.
May their stories inspire, far and wide,
Neurodiverse kids, growing together with pride.


The Crucial Role of Regular Re-evaluation for Neurodiverse Children: Spotlight on the Learning Evaluation Center at Havern School


Summer Skills Practice